In this free course, a team of experts addresses the main concepts and challenges of protecting intellectual property rights in the food and beverage industry, focusing on practical aspects and the most up-to-date jurisprudence on the subject.
read +Exclusive to Dannemann Siemsen customers, partners and collaborators, in order to train professionals to the best admissibility and appeals affectedness strategies in the current scenario.
read +This event will explore how these topics are being addressed in Brazil, with a focus on biotech patents and plant variety protection.
read +Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) welcomes experts to speak about the programs promoted by the e-commerce platform Mercado Livre, namely the “Brand Protection Program” and the “Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance.”
read +Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) welcomes experts to speak about relevant issues on trade dress.
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