25/04/2023 - 09h30am, Rio de Janeiro time, Brazil
Agenda IDS 2023: In anticipation of the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day, Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) welcomed a team of experts to speak about relevant issues on amendments to patent claims.
This is a topic that raises great discussions – not only in Brazil, but in other jurisdictions -, such as:
• The allowable scope and extent of the amendments to a patent application claim;
• The time limit for making claim amendments;
• The treatment given to this subject among the different jurisdictions.
To analyze these and other issues, IDS Advisory Board Member, Mr. Ivan Bacellar Ahlert, moderated a virtual table discussion with a group of specialists:
• Mr. Ankush Verma, from India, spoked about the regulation of the amendments to patent claims in this country and will comment about an important precedent of the Delhi High Court;
• Dr. Alexander Wyrwoll, from Germany, addressed this subject as regulated by the European Patent Convention and as treated by the European Patent Office;
• Ms. Monique Rodrigues Teixeira, from Brazil, commented, among other topics, about how the Brazilian Industrial Property Law legislates this matter and the understanding of BRPTO on this regard.
Full event:
Presentation: Ivan Bacellar Ahlert
Presentation: Ms. Monique Rodrigues Teixeira
Presentation: Dr. Alexander Wyrwoll
Presentation: Mr. Ankush Verma
25/04/2023 - 09h30am, Rio de Janeiro time, Brazil