
The First Police Precinct Specialized in Crimes Against Intellectual Property Opens in Rio de Janeiro

by Rodrigo Borges Carneiro

July 11, 2003


The first Police Precinct specialized in crimes against Intellectual Property opens in Rio de Janeiro

According to the Brazilian Association of Sales and Marketing Directors – ADVB, the trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy activities drain approximately US$ 3.5 billion dollars per year just from lost taxes in Brazil.

In an unparalleled move to present an answer to this challenge private organizations and companies have donated approximately USS 130,000.00 (one hundred and thirty thousand dollars) to fund the first Police Precinct dedicated to the repression of crimes against intellectual property – DRCPIM which was launched last July 07 in Rio de Janeiro.

According to Decree n. 33.535 of July 07, 2003 the DRCPIM will conduct the investigation and repression of trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy as well as of the crimes of software violation according to the Software law 9610/9 and of industrial property related crimes as regulated by the Industrial Property law 9279/96 which also encompasses crimes against patents and unfair competition.

Police authorities including the Chief of the Civil Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro Mr. Alvaro Lins as well as the chief police officer of DRCPIM Mr. Marco Aurelio de Paula Ribeiro stated that the aim of the investigations will be the producers and wholesalers and not the street vendors of counterfeited and pirated goods. There are already ongoing plans to create specialized police precincts in other states.

During the first week since the opening DRCPIM has been involved in the investigation and seizure of a clandestine factory of pirated CD’s and on the mapping of the counterfeiting operations in Rio de Janeiro. The police officers will be divided in areas of investigation related to the phonographic, software, beverages and tobacco industries which are among the most affected by the crimes. Information related to the crimes can be placed using a specific telephone number.  


Rodrigo Borges Carneiro

Advogado, Agente da Propriedade Industrial

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