
Gustavo is a lawyer, having graduated in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law from the Franklin Pierce Law Center / University of New Hampshire School of Law (USA), with an extension course in Intellectual Property from the same university.

He won first place in an international monograph competition organised in 2009 by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) with the article “O Trade Dress e a Proteção da Identidade Visual de Produtos e Serviços” [Trade Dress and the Protection of the Visual Identity of Goods and Services]. He came in second place in previous years with the articles “A Interface entre a Propriedade Intelectual e o Direito Antitruste” [The Interface between Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law] and “Formatos de Programas de TV e Sua Proteção: Utopia ou Realidade?” [TV Program Formats and Their Protection: Utopia or Reality?].

He is the author of various articles in the intellectual property area and is co-author of the books “Comentários à Lei de Propriedade Industrial” [Comments on the Industrial Property Law] and “Propriedade Industrial Aplicada: Reflexões para o Magistrado” [Applied Industrial Property: Reflections for the Judge]. He lectures frequently on topics related to intellectual property at national and international congresses.

He acts before the courts in disputes involving intellectual property rights, notably in the areas of trademarks, patents, copyright, software, unfair competition, industrial designs, business secrets and personality rights. He provides strategic advice in the IP area, involving all aspects related to the protection and exercise of rights. He works in the area of digital law, providing advice on privacy, data protection and various issues related to the Internet.

Judging member of the Mediation and Arbitration Centre at the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Member of the Internet Committee at the International Trademark Association (INTA). Assistant Coordinator of the Software and Internet Commission at the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI).

Cited by Análise Advocacia as one of Brazil’s most admired lawyers in the Intellectual Property area. Cited by Leaders League as a model standard in the areas of “Trademark Prosecution”, “Media, Sports and Entertainment” and “Data Protection”.


Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Franklin Pierce Law Center (USA)

Specialized in Intellectual Property Law Fundacao Getulio Vargas - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Law degree Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


Portuguese, English and Spanish

