
Partner at Dannemann Siemsen since 1999 and member of the executive committee of the firm. He is an electrical engineer and attorney, with specialisation in Intellectual Property at the Franklin Pierce Law Center (USA) and on Artificial Intelligence: Implication for Business Strategy at MIT Sloan School of Management.

He is a professor on the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and at the Superior School of Law (ESA) at Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SP). He has extensive experience in litigation, intellectual property negotiations, patents, industrial designs, technology transfer, trademarks, access to genetic resources, regulatory and life sciences issues in general. He has a diversified international practice, representing a number of global companies. He serves clients from diverse industries including pharmaceuticals, pesticides, automotive, biotechnology, chemical and petrochemical, electronics and technology, food, beverage and tobacco, among others.

He constantly participates in events on life sciences and technology industries, either as a speaker or moderator and is co-author of the books: – Industrial Secrets versus Access to Information Law: a Contradiction? (2014) – Intellectual Property and the Internet: a Global Guide to Protecting Intellectual Property Online (2014) – ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Pharmaceutical Patent Litigators – Chapter 18 – Pharmaceutical Regulation and Litigation in Foreign Countries (2012).

He participates in associations such as ABPI, AIPLA, AIPPI and ASIPI.

