BPTO publishes report on patent appeals and nullities between 2012 and 2023

On July 12, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) released the fourth edition of its report on patent appeals and nullities, this time referring to the period from 2012 to 2023. The document presents...

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Ivan Ahlert analyzes the BPTO’s restrictive interpretation of voluntary amendments to patent applications and its effects on BPTO Opinion 19/2023

Recently, Dannemann Siemsen senior partner and board member of the Dannemann Siemsen Institute, Ivan Ahlert, published an article entitled “Nossa LPI vs. a LPI do INPI (de hoje): mais sobre o art. 32 da Lei de Propriedade Industrial” (in English: “Our BIPL vs. the BPTO's BIPL (of today): more on art. 32 of the Industrial Property Law”. In this text, the author deals...

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Court bans use of character that alluded to children’s icon Fofão

On 15 July, the 2nd Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo Court of Justice unanimously upheld a decision by the 7th Civil Court of Ribeirão Preto (SP) that condemned the...

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US Copyright Office publishes new document amending rule on streaming royalties

On 9 July, the US Copyright Office (USCO) published a final rule aimed at clarifying issues relating to derivative works under the US Copyright Act and explaining how termination rights apply to the so-called mechanical blanket licences established by the Music Modernisation Act of 2018. Thus, among...

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Chinese universities regulate the use of AI in academic writing

Several Chinese universities are regulating the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the writing of academic theses, despite controversy over the integrity of the...

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ANPD publishes regulation on the role of the person responsible for processing personal data

On 17 July, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) published Resolution CD/ANPD No. 018 approving the Regulation on the role of the person in charge of processing personal data. The document comes into force on the date of its publication and aims to...

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Rio de Janeiro Federal Court: judicial decision reaffirms the first-to-file principle in trademark dispute

In a decision handed down on June 13, Judge Celso Araújo dos Santos, of the 13th Federal Court in Rio de Janeiro, denied the request to...

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WIPO publishes report on growth in investment in intangible assets

On June 25, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published its report entitled "World Intangible Investment Highlights". Made annually in partnership with...

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Brazilian ANPD launches 2nd edition of its Technology Radar, this time on the subject of biometrics and facial recognition

On 24 June, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) released the second volume of its "Technology Radar" series. The research was conducted by the ANPD's General Coordination of Technology and Research (CGTP) and, this time, addresses...

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