BPTO Trademark Manual will be updated continuously

On August 21, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) announced that its Trademark Manual has been updated and that it will be...

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The Brazilian Superior Electoral Court upholds ban on use of trademarks in election advertising

The Brazilian Superior Electoral Court (BSEC) issued a ruling in July this year, during an administrative session, renewing its position that...

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WIPO publishes guide to trade secrets in the field of innovation

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recently released its guide entitled “Trade Secrets and Innovation”. The guide, aimed at a global audience, aims to...

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BPTO launches Brazil Innovation and Development Index 2024

On 5 August, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published the first edition of its Brazil Innovation and Development Index (IBID). According to the BPTO, the document...

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IDS participates in the 44th ABPI International Congress

The Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) participated as a supporter of the 44th International Congress of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI)...

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Brazil’s federal government launches the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan 2024-2028

On 30 July, the federal government presented the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan (PBIA) 2024-2028, a project that aims to position Brazil as a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The plan, dubbed...

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IDS debates relevant issues on trade dress violations

Last Tuesday (6), the Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) held another IDS Agenda, this time with the aim of debating relevant issues involving trade dress violations. The event discussed...

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BPTO publishes report on patent appeals and nullities between 2012 and 2023

On July 12, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) released the fourth edition of its report on patent appeals and nullities, this time referring to the period from 2012 to 2023. The document presents...

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Ivan Ahlert analyzes the BPTO’s restrictive interpretation of voluntary amendments to patent applications and its effects on BPTO Opinion 19/2023

Recently, Dannemann Siemsen senior partner and board member of the Dannemann Siemsen Institute, Ivan Ahlert, published an article entitled “Nossa LPI vs. a LPI do INPI (de hoje): mais sobre o art. 32 da Lei de Propriedade Industrial” (in English: “Our BIPL vs. the BPTO's BIPL (of today): more on art. 32 of the Industrial Property Law”. In this text, the author deals...

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