Webinar “GDPL – General Data Protection Law in Practice”

IDS Counselor Carlos Eduardo Eliziario de Lima participate in an event promoted by ABRAL

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Superior School of Law course – Law, Technology and the Startup Market

IDS Counselor, Felipe Dannemann Lundgren teaches a class in a course promoted by the Rio de Janeiro Superior School of Law (ESA-RJ).

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Happy Hour with Women

On this 7th, IDS counselor Natalia Barzilai mediated the "Happy Hour with Women" held by Dannemann Siemsen. This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event was held online.

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Black women and the legal impacts in times of crisis

IDS' Academic coordinator is interviewed at an online event on the legal impacts of COVID-19 for black women

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Free courses to celebrate International Intellectual Property Day

IDS releases the courses "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & NEW TECHNOLOGIES" and "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & INDUSTRY PHARMACEUTICAL" free of charge on its online platform starting on April 27th.

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Second Round of Conversation of Data Women

Bianca Kremer, the academic coordinator of IDS, was one of the guests invited to an event promoted by Ambos &&

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Meet Bianca Kremer, the new academic coordinator of the Dannemann Siemsen Institute

Professor and researcher specialist in Law and Technology, with emphasis on Civil Law and Intellectual Property. She currently teaches at...

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Software in the pharmaceutical industry

Lecture by Executive Director of IDS, Gustavo Piva de Andrade, is news in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG)

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Brazil-Germany Chamber PI Booklet – So geht´s Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz

IDS Board Member Luiz Augusto Lopes Paulino and lawyers Luís Henrique Portilho de Azevedo, Natália Nogueira dos Santos and Willian Augusto Lecciolli Santos sign the IP booklet chapter of the Brazil / Germany Chamber

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