In this section, you will find an extensive database of articles written by the professionals of the Dannemann Siemsen law firm. There are more than 700 titles that explore all aspects of intellectual property rights and related topics, constantly updated.
In addition to online access, IDS is proud to have the largest and most complete physical intellectual property library in Latin America. Virtually everything published in the intellectual property area is on our shelves or database. There are more than 10.000 titles, including classic and contemporary works, treatises by national and international authors and all the relevant IP journals and magazines. Students, professors, researchers, and judges can schedule a visit to our library and consult our collection.
IDS also has significant editorial output. Among other works, we have published “Comments on the Industrial Property Law” (a book often cited by Brazilian courts and academia), “Applied Industrial Property For Judges” (a book that serves as a practical guide for judges to decide IP cases) and several other books and technical booklets.
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In an unanimous decision, the 3th Panel of the Superior Court of Justice reversed a decision of the Court of Appeals of the State of São Paulo and considered that a company having exclusive rights to a registered trademark and trade name encompassing a surname can preclude the use of the same surname by a third party in a related area even if the partners of the latter company bear the s[...]