
Marcelo has worked for over 20 years in the field of intellectual property. He is Vice President of Intellectual Property at the Brazilian Mediation and Arbitration Centre (CBMA). He has a PhD and master’s degree in Procedural Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). He is professor of civil procedure at the Rio de Janeiro State Magistrates’ School (EMERJ) and coordinator of civil procedure at the Superior Law School (ESA/RJ) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI).

He is a Member of the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law (IBDP), the Brazilian Association of Procedural Law (ABDPro) and the Carioca Institute of Civil Procedure (ICPC).

He is a Court Expert, a specialist at the ABPI’s Domain Name Dispute Resolution Chamber (CSD-ABPI) and mediator at the mentioned entity’s Mediation Chamber (CMED-ABPI).

He takes part in associations such as the São Paulo Lawyers’ Association (AASP), the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property Agents (ABAPI), ABPI and is the coordinator in Rio de Janeiro of Intellectual Property at MEDIARE.

He is the author of the books: Tutela Jurisdicional Colaborativa [Collaborative Jurisdictional Protection]. Curitiba: CRV, 2017, prefaced by Justice Luiz Fux; Manual de Mediação e Arbitragem [Mediation and Arbitration Manual] (Saraiva 2019), co-authored with Humberto Dalla. The work was prefaced by Justice Dias Toffoli and presented by Justice Luís Felipe Salomão; and Sanções Premiais no Processo Civil [Award Sanctions in Civil Procedure] (JusPodivm 2022), prefaced by Justice Luiz Fux.

He is coordinator of the book Propriedade Intelectual – Reflexões contemporâneas [Intellectual Property – Contemporary Reflections], together with Paulo Parente and Valdir Rocha Filho.

He is coordinator of the book Processo Civil e Propriedade Industrial [Civil Procedure and Industrial Property] (JusPodivm 2022), together with Fredie Didier Jr. and Gustavo Osna.

He is coordinator of the book Falência e Recuperação Empresarial [Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganisation] (JusPodivm 2022), together with Fredie Didier Jr, Dierle Nunes and Sergio Mourão Filho.

