06 de fevereiro de 2025
UK government publishes its “AI Opportunities Action Plan”
The UK government recently published the “AI Opportunities Action Plan”, which outlines a series of strategies to shape the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the economy and society. The plan aims to position the UK as a global leader in the development, adoption and regulation of AI, as well as promoting economic growth, job creation and improvements in sectors such as health and education through innovative solutions. The document is divided into three central strategies: establishing the necessary conditions for the development and adoption of AI in the country; promoting the use of AI in the public and private sectors; and creating a national AI ecosystem, with incentives for research, development and attracting global talent.
The plan presents four essential conditions for the advancement of AI in the UK: building an efficient infrastructure; freeing up data assets in the public and private sectors; encouraging and training future technology professionals; and regulating the development of AI. The document highlights that, over the next decade, the economic impact of computing will be even more significant, with the creation of highly specialized jobs and the emergence of new related industries. In this sense, the study emphasizes that countries that invest in AI infrastructure will reap substantial economic benefits.
To guarantee access to high-performance computing resources, the plan recommends a combination of three approaches: sovereign AI computing, controlled by the public sector; domestic computing, private but based in the UK; and international computing, accessed through reciprocal agreements and partnerships with other countries. To make this structure viable, the plan proposes several actions, including: adopting a long-term plan for the UK’s AI infrastructure needs, backed by a 10-year investment commitment; expanding the capacity of the AI Research Resource (AIRR), which consists of a cluster of advanced computers for AI research, by at least 20 times by 2030; establishing “AI Growth Zones” in deindustrialized areas; mitigating the sustainability and security risks derived from AI infrastructure; and establishing international partnerships to access complementary computing resources.
In addition, the plan emphasizes the importance of making high-quality public and private data available to AI developers, considering areas of national interest and guaranteeing public privacy. To increase the number of qualified professionals and attract international talent, the document suggests expanding training pathways for careers in AI, with support for higher education institutions and the offer of scholarships.
The plan’s second strategy deals with the adoption of AI to improve government services and boost productivity in the public and private sectors. In the public sector, it is recommended to adopt the Scan → Pilot → Scale methodology, which involves identifying AI opportunities, carrying out small-scale tests and then scaling up successful initiatives. Each government priority area, such as health and education, will have an AI leader responsible for identifying opportunities for applying the technology. These solutions will then be tested with the support of a specialized technical team, before being implemented on a national scale. A practical example of this approach is the use of AI in the National Health Service (NHS) to speed up cancer diagnoses, an initiative that is already being tested in pilot hospitals.
In the private sector, the government intends to use its purchasing power to drive innovation in AI and create opportunities for companies, especially small and medium-sized ones. The study estimates that the adoption of AI could add £400 billion to the UK economy by 2030, bringing significant benefits to productivity and international competitiveness.
Finally, the plan’s third strategy focuses on creating a national advanced AI ecosystem. To achieve this, the plan proposes collaboration between government, the private sector and academia, encouraging the emergence of startups, guaranteeing access to computing and data resources, and attracting skilled labor. One of the main recommendations is the creation of the UK Sovereign AI unit, whose aim is to maximize the UK’s participation in the development of cutting-edge AI technologies and ensure economic and strategic benefits for the country.
The UK AI Action Plan can be accessed via the link: AI Opportunities Action Plan
Note: For quick release, this English version is provided by automated translation without human review.