
Collective release brings comments on Industrial Property Law from the perspective of women

26 de outubro de 2023


Collective release brings comments on Industrial Property Law from the perspective of women

This month, the Thomson Reuters – Revista dos Tribunais publishing house is launching the book “Comentários à Lei de Propriedade Industrial”, organized by Kone Pietro Fortunato Cesário, Neide Bueno, Tayná Carneiro and Verônica Lagassi. The work presents comments on the provisions of Law No. 9.279/96, the Industrial Property Law (LPI), and is distinguished by the fact that it was written only by women experts in industrial property (IP) – doctors, masters, specialists.

With a foreword by STJ Justice Nancy Andrighi and a presentation by CNJ Justice Tânia Regina Silva Reckziegel, the book seeks to provide an up-to-date analysis, as well as an interdisciplinary, plural and critical view of all the articles of the IPL, from the current perspective of doctrine and case law on the subject.

In addition, it is important to mention that the book has the contribution of 66 authors from diverse backgrounds – lawyers, engineers, biologists, economists, magistrates, prosecutors, INPI employees, among others – bringing their perspectives on relevant issues involving the LPI.

By presenting current interpretations and discussions on the articles of the LPI, the book fills a temporal and material gap in the national literature on the subject.  IDS congratulates the authors and wishes them every success in launching the book, which is extremely important for modernizing the IP debate in Brazil.

The book will be available for purchase from October 30th. The face-to-face launch with the authors will take place in November. In São Paulo, it will be on November 22 at 6:30pm at Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista (Av. Paulista, 509); in Rio de Janeiro, on November 23, at 10am, at the OAB/RJ headquarters (Plenarinho) (Av. Mal. Câmara, 150 – Centro); and in Curitiba, on December 13, at 10am, at the OAB/PR headquarters (Rua Cel. Brasilino Moura, 253).

The book can be purchased via the link: Comentários à lei de propriedade industrial

Note: For quick release and cost control, this English version is provided by automated translation without human review.

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