
A mechanical engineer, lawyer, industrial property agent and partner at the Dannemann Siemsen firm, Marc holds a postgraduate degree in German and European Industrial Property Law from FernUniversität Hagen, Germany. He is also trained as a patent specialist by the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and the Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center (APIC).

He works in the areas of patents and industrial designs and serves national and foreign clients, including those in the automotive, packaging, manufacturing and general mechanical industries. His work is also focused on litigation involving judicial disputes in cases of patent infringement and nullity, unfair competition and industrial design infringement and nullity.

He participates in important associations such as ABAPI, ABPI, ASIPI, CREA-RJ, VPP, SAE and OAB-RJ.


Extension course in German and European Industrial Property Law FernUniversität Hagen

Mechanical Engineering degree Universidade Santa Úrsula

Law Degree Centro Universitario da Cidade


Ingles, Portugues, Alemao

