
David Merrylees was educated at Bradfield College, Berkshire, England, and took an honours degree in engineering at Oxford University. He initiated his career at a London firm of patent agents where he qualified as a chartered patent agent and later became a European patent attorney. He immigrated to Brazil in 1969 where he is now a Brazilian Industrial Property Agent and partner at Dannemann, Siemsen, Bigler& Ipanema Moreira. David Merrylees is the Brazilian delegate of FICPI (Federation International des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle) and an active member of the CET (Commission d’Etude et de Travail) where he participates in two groups. He also been active in AIPPI (Association Internatinale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), chaired two patent-related questions, include that regarding computer-related inventions.


Engineering degree Oxford University (United Kingdom)


Ingles, Portugues

