Camila has a bachelor’s in Law from the USP Law School (2008). A specialisation course in Civil Procedure in Intellectual Property by the Paulista Intellectual Property Association – ASPI (2011). A Refresher Course on Patents and Industrial Creations by the Getúlio Vargas Faculty – FGV (2013). A lawyer at the Dannemann Siemsen firm since 2009, working in the area of civil litigation, focusing on the protection of Industrial Property. Delivery of the module “Pharmaceutical Patents II – Court Actions” in the Advanced Course on Patents of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents-ABAPI (2013). Participation in ABPI’s XXX to XXXIII BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, from 2010 to 2013. Published articles: “As medidas judiciais cabíveis contra o infrator de patente e registro de DI” VDI (Brazil – Germany Association of Engineers), September 2010. “Danos Morais na Propriedade Industrial”, January 2015. “Violação do direito de patente” Amcham – American Chamber of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro (Brazilian Business Journal), October 2014. “O termo inicial da prescrição da ação indenizatória por uso indevido de marca”, in the Collection of Legal Theses of the Superior Courts, coordinated by Walfrido Jorge Warde Júnior, publisher RT, 2017.
Law degree Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Sao Paulo - USP
English, Portuguese