Agenda IDS: Major Copyright Theses: Plagiarism and Data Mining
The Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS) hosted a team of experts to discuss current research in the field of copyright law in the country, focusing on plagiarism and data mining, two topics that spark heated debates.
In this event, the following issues were discussed:
• The evolution of academic research on copyright law in the country, its challenges, and advancements.
• The doctrinal and judicial positions regarding criteria for analyzing plagiarism of works protected by copyright law.
• Data mining for research purposes and training artificial intelligence systems.
Referencing the collection “Copyright: Theses and Dissertations Notebooks,” which brings together 50 academic works on the theme, Patricia Porto, the academic coordinator of IDS, moderated a virtual panel discussion with one of the editors of the collection and two authors whose thesis and dissertation were published in the compilation:
• Prof. Dr. Allan Rocha de Souza, co-editor of the collection, talked to IDS about the process of organizing the publication, as well as its contribution and relevance to copyright research in the country.
• Dr. Rebeca dos Santos Garcia discussed her thesis defended at USP, “Violations of Copyright: Plagiarism from a Critical Perspective,” and shared updates on the topic.
• Miguel Bastos Alvarenga discussed “Data Mining: Big Data and Copyright Law in Brazil,” the theme of his master’s dissertation at UFRJ.
Allan Rocha de Souza – Professor and researcher in Copyright and Cultural Law. Scientific director of IBDAutoral (Brazilian Institute of Copyright). PhD in Civil Law (UERJ), with a post-doctorate in Comparative Law (Oxford).
Rebeca dos Santos Garcia – Lawyer in the field of public policies and technology. PhD in Commercial Law (USP) and Master in Civil Law (UERJ).
Miguel Bastos Alvarenga – Lawyer and researcher. Master’s degree holder and PhD candidate in Public Policies, Strategies, and Development (PPED/UFRJ).
Patricia Porto – Academic Coordinator of the Dannemann Siemsen Institute.